nvisia + FHLBank Chicago

Building a modern, scalable system to satisfy demand

The Challenge


The Federal Home Loan Bank of Chicago (FHLBank Chicago) began its digital transformation in 2019, embarking on a multi-year journey to bring automation to the bank and be as modern and cutting edge as possible while maintaining an acceptable risk profile for the business. The breakneck speed of modern financial markets means that having up-to-date information readily available is more important than ever. An organization’s Counterparty Credit Risk System (CCRS) is a prime example as it informs a bank of its risk of suffering a loss because of a failure of another party to meet its obligations. FHLBank Chicago is a significant mover in the Federal Funds, Reverse Repo and derivatives markets, and needed more timely information on its exposures.

Our Solution


Our team worked side-by-side with FHLBank Chicago to rebuild the CCRS into a scalable, modern solution that allows the bank to maintain source code and rollout changes for membership more easily. The new system includes intraday capabilities meaning FHLBank Chicago staff can view up-to-the-minute updates on their positions throughout the day, removing a layer of risk and creating a more user-friendly experience with reporting that's easier for team members to understand.




Results lead to impact

Nvisia worked with FHLBank Chicago to build a solution to satisfy the new demands of customers and answer staff need for fast, accessible information.

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Maintainable, scalable systems

We introduced Kubernetes on the AWS platform the bank was running as well as Terraform, an open-source infrastructure-as-code software tool. The team leveraged pipelines for the build with the overall goal of helping the bank modernize its tech stack. The new solution allows FHLBank Chicago to have all their exposures in one place instead of across multiple locations. The open architecture makes it easy for the bank to make changes or add new options over time.

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Automation & modernization

Automation was central in the development of this system. By adopting agile, using modern engineering technologies, and leveraging automation and DevSecOps, the bank now has the ability to offer a higher quality product to business partners and members in a faster period of time. The new solution also allows greater visibility into the overall stability and health of the application.

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Stands the test of time

Our work on this project had to take into account the modernization being undertaken across the bank’s entire IT infrastructure. We worked with our banking counterparts to understand how it saw its technology transformation developing over the coming years to produce something that would stand the test of time.

Technology used

Angular azuredevops docker kendo JetBrains Rider Splunk DataDog Tableau-Logo-for-website Terraform Kubernetes

“One of the things that really stood out was nvisia’s technical capabilities, their ability to partner with the bank, to help guide us and consult us on some of the best tools and technologies to leverage as we move forward in this space. They were very price competitive, they were very easy to work with and ultimately delivered a great product for the bank.” 

Steven Overbeek, Senior Vice President, Managing IT Director, FHLBank Chicago

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